While we’re all focused on the Middle East right now, especially on Syria, a form of stealth jihad is sneaking into our country…a form of which affects all states…all schools…and all ourchildren…and it’s name is Common Core.
Forced on the states by the Obama administration…enabled by Obama’s federal stimulus law…Common Core will be implemented this school year in the 46 states that have adopted it, thus eliminating local control over the kindergarten through12th grade curriculum in those states. The adoption of Common Core means that teaching becomes a one-size-fits-all affair that will NOT address the needs of the ‘special needs child’…neither the gifted child nor the slow learner…because NO deviation from the standard norm in teaching is allowed.
And there will be NO escaping Common Core as its curriculum and teaching methods will also apply to private schools and the home schooled. In fact, many Catholic and otherprivate schools are adopting Common Core in preparation for college-entrance exams…exams that will be based on Common Core criteria.
Simply put…the truth about Common Core is that it will revamp America’s public educational system and NOT for the better as Common Core also allows for a rewriting of American history, with the new curriculum and accompanying textbooks showing a definite slant and bias towards islam, while at the same time mocking or ignoring America’s Judeo-Christian roots and values.
And with one of its most in-your-face leftist agenda aspects, the Common Core curriculum has, for example, replaced the world’s great literary works with what’s called ‘informational texts’…another name for government propaganda. Shakespeare, Hemingway, and the other literary giants will be replaced by ‘informational texts’ extolling the virtues of same-sex marriage, abortion, drug use, and the all-important acceptance of all things islam. Students in the lower grades will now divide their time between literature and these leftist writings until high school, when literary works will make up a mere 30% of English/Language Arts instruction.
And the teaching of math under Common Core guidelines means getting the right answer just does NOT matter anymore as long as the student can explain the faulty reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer. 2 + 2 = 5 is OK…just explain how you got that answer. And Common Core puts many students mathematically two years behind those of many high-achieving countries. For example, Algebra 1 would be taught in 9th grade NOT 8th grade as previously taught, making calculus inaccessible to them in high school, and this would affect top-tier college entrance requirements.
Also, contrary to the traditional American belief that justice is based on individual rights, Common Core teaches ‘Social Justice’ meaning teachers must teach that America is an unjust and oppressive society that should be changed.
And the most unbelievable of all is that Common Core is using our public schools, Catholic schools, and private schools to indoctrinate our children into islam. ’The Five Pillars of Islam’ are an integral part of Common Core teaching beginning in pre-k and lasting through the12th grade. For example, students have muslim beliefs lessons where they must watch videos, research pre-selected web sites, complete worksheets, and create posters about the duties of muslims.
I wonder if that includes a muslim’s duty to wage jihad…as written in the qur’an.
And even with all this, Common Core still self-promotes itself as a fair and just universal set of educational standards that will unite all students under a common learning system…under common leftist political beliefs…with a curriculum in place that proponents say is designed so that every student graduating from high school is prepared to either entercollege or the workforce. But what proponents do NOT tell you is that Common Core actually lowers school standards negating the very thing they promote themselves as doing.
And Common Core is far from the educational panacea that most dissatisfied with our public system of education hoped for as Common Core remains…NO matter how it’s packaged and sold…a one size fits all form of education that ignores the fact that each child is unique…each child’s learning skills or lack thereof is unique…and each state’s educational guidelines are unique.
In fact, Common Core is actually ‘dumbed-down’ education with less teacher responsibility than ever before as there is NO incentive to reach for higher standards, as all states will be judged by the same mediocre national benchmark enforced by the federal government…the Obama federal government.
So while Common Core proponents are in total support of the already ‘too much in control’ federal government setting even more educational standards than they already do, they fail to accept the fact that the federal government should NOT be involved in publiceducation at all nor should they be setting any educational standards as public schools should be under state, county, and local auspices with standards set within each schooldistrict to meet the needs of the students going to school in said district.
And when you add in the specific negatives in how Common Core was implemented ‘red flags’ should be waving in the faces of every parent with school age children…’red flags’ waving because Common Core was pushed through state legislatures by unelected bureaucrats who created the Common Core ‘standards’ using monies garnered from special interests groups…meaning there was NO legislative vote by elected officials reflecting the will of the people or the will of the parents.
And in addition to all the educational negatives, schools that have implemented Common Core have government permission to collect private data on each student including religion, medical, and psychological info, and to do so WITHOUT parental consent. WITHOUT parental consent… meaning once again the federal government is butting into our personal lives and doing so without a warrant or just cause…doing so simply because they can.
Also, Common Core does NOTHING to address how teachers actually teach for even with Common Core standards in place teachers will still be teaching to the test…maybe NOT the same tests that are now in effect…but standardized tests nevertheless…with the end result being that parents and teachers will have even less control over their child’s education than they do now.
So with a curriculum so deviated from the much needed basics…reading, writing, and arithmetic… with a curriculum that reeks of the leftist liberal political agenda…and with a curriculum that smells of Agenda 21 indoctrination….Common Core should be rejected by all school districts for the sake of our children…for Common Core is rotten to its very core.
Diane Sori is the Editor of The Patriot Factor and a regular contributor to The D.C. Clothesline.