Newsrooms start acknowledging black-on-white violence
There are A LOT of very GOOD and decent BLACK people. I would hate for them to be slaughtered in a race war. We must find ways to identify and separate the good from the bad.
The Knockout Game is a separate thing from Mob Violence. Black parents need to come down hard on their male children not to ever play the Knockout Game or else perhaps they get kicked out of the house for 3 days or loose car privileges or their favorite school wear. Otherwise the kids are going to end up dead or in prison. As for mob violence, I would guess it is perpetrated by the same low class blacks that steal cars and carjack, sell drugs, and grow up with welfare moms as illegitimates and generally can't speak English properly and don't take advantage of the America Lincoln and King made for them. I intend to add my solution to inner-city poverty that heats up racism a jealousy among blacks trapped in poverty to PLATFORM 2.
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