Thursday, November 28, 2013

#BB4SP: There's No Food Stamp Fraud ‽‽‽

#BB4SP: There's No Food Stamp Fraud ‽‽‽: Kayleigh McEnany (Political Prospect Editor) squares off with Julie Roginsky (Fox News Contributor) as they debate the validity...

I, Robert Burlison, get $16.00 per month in "food stamps".  It helps a little, but if I were not also supporting my future wife who is stuck in a 3rd World country until I can save airfare and money to renew her US visa, then I would give up the $16.00 in order to balance the budget.

I once had a black woman offer to sell me food stamps for $5 in cash.  That is reasonable for you can buy food with the stamps, but not paper products for what comes out the other end.  Motels and hotels change out the toilet paper with about 15% to 20% left on the roll (lest it run out at a bad time).  These partial rolls end up at some church or community food banks.

So the $5 offer is the only fraud I have seen.  Where the big fraud is is when a woman has more and more illegitimate kids in order to get more Welfare.  We need to [1] not pay so much per kid that we at also paying a salary to the mother for having and caring for them, and [2] after 2 illegitimate births we need to mandate her tubes be tied (bandaide surgery), unless she can find daycare and get a job.  If she is not healthy enough to work (as I was) then she is not healthy enough to have more kids.  If it is a matter of education, it is not the government's place to support a high school (non-retarded) drop out.  No more kids for her.

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